Star Wars: If You Haven’t seen the Movie Yet…

So I thought my first post should be a quick catch-up about Star Wars: The Force Awakens! First of all if you haven’t seen the movie yet, I don’t know what rock you’ve been living under, but you really should go see it! Want to see the trailer?

Here it is!!

What info do you need to know before seeing the movie? The super simple version… SPOILERS from the first six movies!!

  1. Darth Vader is Anakin Skywalker aka Luke’s father


  • He was to be trained to be Jedi warrior under Obi-Wan (Jedi Master not really mentioned a lot in Force Awakens besides some small things that I won’t spoil!) before he turned to the dark side.
  • He was the “chosen one” meant to restore balance to the force, and in a backwards way did do this after he turned to the dark side. He died fulfilling his destiny, and saving his son.
    • Side Note: If this is confusing to you don’t worry! Knowing how and why he died isn’t a big deal to see Force Awakens. My sister did not have a clue and she still understood it. I think they will re-explain his death in the movies to come.

2. Who are Han Solo and Leia Solo?


  • Han was a smuggler who after helping transport Luke and Obi-Wan’s using his ship the Millennium Falcon continued to help Luke and Rebel Alliance through the rest of the movies, falling in love with Leia along the way.
  • Leia Solo (Organa in the originals) was princess Alderaan under her adoptive parents, the youngest Senator of the Galactic Empire and part of the Rebel Alliance (she kicked butt) also Luke’s sister therefore Vader’s daughter. She fell in love with Han during the first trilogy.
  • Bonus: Chewbacca is Han’s best friend/partner, and all around lovable sidekick.

3. R2-D2 and C-3PO (just because I love them)


  • R2-D2 is the blue and white droid, and C-3PO is the gold one for starters.
  • R2-D2 is originally a repair droid on Padmé’s (Anakin’s wife aka Luke and Leia’s mom) ship and then continues to travel with Qui-Gon (Obi-Wan’s master), Obi-Wan and Anakin through the rest of prequel series. He is found by Luke in the original series, and travels with him after.
  • C-3PO was originally made by Anakin in the prequel trilogy, and was found again by Luke in the original with R2-D2.

All in all that should be enough to get you through the movie if you haven’t seen the others. I highly recommend that you do see them however, just because it fun to see how the movies play out if the different trilogies! Lastly, for people interested in starting Star Wars, the original trilogy although older, is more recent in the Star Wars timeline. The prequel trilogy (ergo Prequel) is older, but more recently made. So, if you want to watch them chronologically then you watch the new ones first, then the old ones. So basically, by episode number on the title. You’d be surprised how many people I talk to that don’t understand why Episodes IV, V, and VI are all outdated. I personally think they should be watched in the order they were made, but that tends to confuse people! So, do whatever is easiest! Happy watching!

As always let me know about any possible errors in the posts, questions, or comments. Also if you want me to go over a topic! This is my first blog, so I’m all ears! Also disclaimer on all the pictures! I just find these on the internet, and put them all in one place just for you! May the force be with you!



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